
  • A Legacy of Giving and Service
    in Our Local Communities

    Express Employment Professionals desires to positively affect the lives of those in need, to enhance the education system, and to beautify our community in order to make it a better place for all to live.

    Pumpkin Photo
  • Support from Your Local
    Express Employment Professionals Office

    We are proud to be a fully-franchised staffing company, meaning that your local office may be owned by your neighbor down the street.

    Your local Express Employment Professionals office considers community involvement as a way to be a good neighbor, serving others as a way to have a positive impact on their community.

    Please contact your local Express Employment Professionals office to find out what programs they support. While budget limitations make it impossible to support every worthy cause, your local Express office is interested in learning about the work of your organization.

    Locate your neighborhood Express office HERE.

    Support from Express Employment International Headquarters

    Express believes in giving back to the communities that have helped make us successful. As a company that was founded and continues to be headquartered in the great state of Oklahoma, charitable giving from our corporate headquarters is concentrated on Oklahoma-based 501(c)(3) nonprofit organizations. The Philanthropic Committee of Express Employment International Headquarters has elected to make our greatest impact focused on organizations that benefit children, education, medical research, the community and the arts.

    Efforts We Are Unable to Support

    We recognize there are many worthy causes performing important work in communities across North America. Unfortunately, we are unable to support every good cause. From our international headquarters, Express does not give consideration to:

    • Organizations outside the state of Oklahoma
    • Individuals
    • Political parties or candidates
    • Private foundations
    • Dinners, luncheons or other forms of indirect support
    • Sporting events, including golf tournaments and youth sporting leagues
    • Sectarian, denominational or religious causes/organizations/events

    If your request falls into any of the above listed categories, please contact your local Express franchise office for consideration.

    Apply for a Corporate Grant

    If you are within the state of Oklahoma, are a 501(c)(3), and provide support in the areas of children, education, medical research, community, and/or the arts, we invite you to start your application process by clicking the link below.

    Charitable Contribution Request Form

    The Philanthropic Committee of Express Employment International Headquarters reviews requests for funding on a quarterly basis each calendar year as reflected below. 

    Quarterly Timeline

    *Please note that these dates may be subject to change. In the event of a change, requesting organizations within that funding cycle will be contacted directly. 

    Feel free to contact should you have any questions. 

  • disney

  • OHP-Donation

  • Peter Pan

  • enchanted-passage